Welcome Incoming Medical Staff, Advanced Practice Professionals, Fellows, Residents and Students
Welcome to Harris Health System.
To complete your onboarding, please complete the following steps:
- Claim your Network Account and complete the initial mandatory provider education online via Harris Health’s Learning Management System –SABA.
- Next, complete Epic training online and then contact Epic at 346-426-1178 or email at TrainIT@harrishealth.org for Epic testing.
- Visit the Security Office at your assigned hospital to receive your ID badge and parking decal.
- Citrix and EPCS Access - After you obtain your ID badge, for Citrix Access you must enroll in Imprivata. All Physicians, Residents, Fellows, NPs and PAs must appear in person at the Medical Staff Services offices for Citrix and EPCS access. “Imprivata ID” is an app that you need to download on your phone. Please bring your driver’s license or passport with you.
Ben Taub Medical Staff Services Imprivata Enrollment Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. – noon, and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Located in the Basement of the Neuropsychiatric Center) Phone: 713-873-2309
LBJ Medical Staff Services Imprivata Enrollment Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. – noon, and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Located on the second floor; Annex Building next to Chief of Staff Office) Phone: 713-566-4656
Important Contact Information:
Quality and Patient Safety Tips
Restraint Face-to-Face Documentation – A face-to-face note should occur after the patient is placed in the restraint and should describe the behavior warranting continuation or termination of the restraint episode. This must occur within 1 hour of behavioral emergencies (violent restraint/seclusion) application and within 24 hours for non-violent application.
Bladder Scan Algorithm – This is an algorithm created for patients who are unable to void 6 hours post indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) removal. Nurses have been trained on how to use this algorithm and it resides in Clinical Practice Guideline- Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections.
Key things to note when a patient is experiencing urinary retention post IUC removal:
- Intermittent catheterization should ALWAYS be considered prior to reinsertion of the IUC unless contraindicated
- It is recommended to wait at least 48 hours prior to considering reinsertion of the IUC. If an IUC is reinserted within 24 hours of removal, this will be treated as a continuation from the previous catheter based on NHSN criteria.
UpToDate App Access
Access UpToDate via your smartphone.
You will need your own UpToDate account and, if necessary, link it to the Harris Health System subscription.
- In Epic, click on the Clinical References menu button and select UpToDate:
- Once you select the UpToDate link, you will be taken to the UpToDate site. If you aren’t logged in with your own account, you will see at the top right the user is named as Harris Health System.
- Click the Register button and it will take you to the Registration page to sign up for a new account. If you already have your own account, you can log in via the log in button.
- Use your username/password to log in to the UpToDate app from the App/Play Store.
For assistance, contact UpToDate support at: 1-800-998-6374.
Provider Efficiency Tips
Create NoteWriter Macros
A macro is a template that contains pre-selected values for Physical Exam, ROS and specific Procedure forms. You can reduce time spent writing NoteWriter notes by applying macros. Macros can also be shared with other users.
1. To save your selections in NoteWriter as a macro, click
2. Select Create macro from current data.
3. In the Macro field, enter a brief name for your macro then click Accept.
4. Make changes in the Macro Editor as needed, then click Accept.
Provider Kudos
Shirley Woo, MD
Ben Taub Hospital
Baylor College of Medicine
Anitra Beasley, MD
Ben Taub Hospital
Baylor College of Medicine
“I want to give special recognition to the doctors on Unit 3B at Ben Taub. Thank you, Dr. Woo and Dr. Beasley, for all your help and attention during my stay.”
-- Patient, Ben Taub 3B Newborn and Obstetrics
Jessica Lee, MD
Medical Director
House Call Service
Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital
“I am so thankful for Harris Health House Call Service. It has been a blessing for my 48 year old quadriplegic son. The staff is amazing. Even when I have a challenging request, I am still treated with respect and dignity. They always try to get my questions answered one way or the other. They continue to assist me with meeting his medical needs. They all work as a team on his case to get things done. Dr. Jessica Lee, along with Theclar Omeh, Sinu Mathew, Moncellia Scott, Donna Stephens and other staff have all had a hand in my son's care. I feel they have all played a part in him having a longer life. This is truly appreciated. Before House Call Service, my son's life and my life were literally a living hell. I had nowhere to turn until you! Thanks one million times.”
-- Patient’s Mom, House Call Service at LBJ
Joseph Gill, MD
Emergency Medicine
LBJ Hospital
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth
“That was my first experience at LBJ, and Dr. Gill was really great, understanding, and my tooth was hurting really bad. He was just awesome. I give Dr. Gill a 10!”
-- Patient, LBJ Emergency Center
Thank you for your service!