Doing Business with Harris HealthCounty agencies spend millions of dollars annually providing necessary services to the citizens of Harris County. Our goal is to ensure these expenditures achieve maximum value for money by ensuring efficient practices, transparent processes and fair and open competition. Under the County Purchasing Agent, Harris Health’s Office of the Purchasing Agent is responsible for all contracts for goods and services, while the County Office is responsible for construction contracts.

Become a Harris County Vendor
M/WBE eligibility includes for-profit organizations certified as a Minority- or Woman-owned Business Enterprise by an approved Certification Program that has a place of business located within the marketplace or has a significant local business presence.
New Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital and ExpansionHarris Health Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital has a long, rich history in northeast Harris County, providing an oasis of care in this underserved area.
To preserve and expand our impact and to ensure that we meet the future needs of the community, Harris Health is investing in the complete transformation of the LBJ campus.
A recent facility assessment revealed that the 33-year-old hospital is nearing the end of its useful life. Ultimately, the campus plans call for two towers and a parking garage to provide a more comprehensive range of high-level medical, social and mental health care and outpatient services.
Plans for the new campus include:
- More inpatient beds
- Private inpatient beds
- Access to more specialty and critical care services, including heart and stroke care
- Level I trauma capable to include being equipped for a helipad
- Larger operating rooms
- Expanded cancer care
- Expanded psychiatric and behavioral health services