In 2002, Cheryl Everitt felt a lump in her right breast. After a mammogram, biopsy, chemotherapy, mastectomy and radiation, she was cancer- free. However, the treatment and a three-week stay in a hospital for infection took their toll.
Denitra Ferguson is a woman who takes care of everyone around her. She credits good health, regular exercise, healthy eating, faith and a positive attitude with getting her through her diagnosis and treatment.
Thankfully, no time was wasted when Luz Corina Ramirez found a lump in her breast in December 2015. She immediately saw her primary care physician at Strawberry Health Center who referred her to Smith Clinic for diagnostic exams.
Margarita Saenz never had an idea that something might be wrong. She was 48 when last year’s annual check-up revealed breast cancer. A suspicious mammogram led to an ultrasound, then a biopsy indicated stage III cancer in her right breast and lymph nodes.
Sheila Taylor was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 after a mammogram at Aldine Health Center and a biopsy at Smith Clinic. From the very beginning, she says, “I was surrounded by caring people who were very encouraging. That made all the difference in the world.”
When Freda White was diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease in her 20s, she became diligent about doing breast-self exams. Her diligence paid off when she felt something suspicious that turned out to be aggressive cancer, stage I.