Jim Robinson is a former Houston area broadcaster who went on to hold a varied and distinguished public service career.
His experience includes service as headquarters public information officer and director of special projects for the Texas Department of Public Safety, executive director of the former Texas State Property Tax Board, 23 years as chief appraiser of the Harris Central Appraisal District (HCAD), and 10 years as senior director of interagency coordination for Harris County. During his tenure with the Texas DPS, he held a concurrent faculty appointment in law enforcement at Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University).
In addition to his civilian employment, Robinson completed 27 years of service as a citizen soldier, retiring as a major general commanding the Texas State Guard. His state military awards include the Lone Star Distinguished Service medal.
Robinson has extensive service on governmental boards including the Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO) board where he was the board’s first vice chair for six years and chair of METRO’s Customer Service, Operations and Public Safety committee. He currently represents Harris County on the HCAD board of directors and is an elected director and vice president of the board of Harris County Municipal Utility District 457. While a resident of the Austin area, he served as an elected trustee of the Round Rock Independent School District and as board president.
He earned a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees from Sam Houston State University, with additional work toward a doctorate in safety education at Texas A&M University. He is a certified fraud examiner, a registered professional appraiser in the State of Texas, and is certified by the state as a master peace officer.
Original Appointment: May 2023