Lighting the Way for Harris Health Nurses
Harris Health System offers many professional development programs for the professional nurse, such as the Graduate Nurse Residency Program, Books-Fees Program, career coaching, compensation for professional certification and leadership training opportunities. Other professional development benefits for nursing staff include the LVN Residency Program, PCA Externship Program, and the Reach for the Stars Nursing Scholarship Program.
Harris Health's outstanding nurses not only serve as clinicians and clinical leaders at the bedside, but also as nurse patient educators, forensic nurses, clinical nurse case managers and trauma outcome managers. Clinically focused nurse leaders include clinical resource nurses and nursing professional development specialists who provide educational support to both nurse clinicians and administrators. Management positions include nurse managers, nursing program managers, and directors of nursing. Nurses at Harris Health have a plethora of pathways to serve our patients and support our staff.
Working toward the Institute of Medicine’s goal of an 80% RN work force with a bachelor’s degree or higher in nursing by 2020, Harris Health is proud of an RN staff with approximately 83% prepared at the baccalaureate level or higher. Similar to our patient population, the nursing staff is also culturally diverse with representation from approximately 29 different countries. The work force for nursing consists of approximately 2,200 RNs and 230 LVNs, plus various unlicensed assistive and administrative support personnel.
For more information on advancing your nursing career at Harris Health or to learn more about our
Graduate Nurse Residency Program, visit
Harris Health's Nursing Career site.