Harris Health System’s Research and Sponsored Programs Department manages the frequent requests for letters of support concerning research grant proposals, request for proposals (RFP) and special projects. Complete the
Research/QI/Letters of Support Feasibility Checklist
in full and email it to Julia.Thompson@harrishealth.org.
Requests for letters of support must be submitted at least 15 business days in advance to ensure sufficient time for review and processing. Be sure to include a description of the proposal with enough detail to enable Harris Health to understand and respond to the request, an explanation of how the research project contributes to the Harris Health mission, the budget and the name(s) of the Harris Health executive stakeholder(s) spoken to about this project.
The request will be reviewed by Harris Health executive leadership and once approved a letter of support will be drafted and sent to Harris Health’s CEO for review and final signature. The CEO is the only approved signatory official for research letters of support. The final signed PDF version of the letter will be emailed to the contact person provided on the request form.
Please note that the issuance of a letter of support is not a guarantee or commitment of funding or a contract with Harris Health.