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​HHSC required RHPs to complete Community Health Needs Assessments ahead of the DY1-6 and DY7-8 Waivers.  The CHNAs are linked below:

2017 Community Health Needs Assessment
2012 Community Health Needs Assessment

 Regional Contact List

​Recently, the Region 3 Anchor Team and System Design Steering Committee developed the RHP3 DY7-8 DSRIP Contacts and Resources document, containing main DSRIP contacts and information on Category C outcome selections for the Region, as well as additional resources on identifying and reaching out to providers with shared outcomes in other RHPs. 


RHP3 collects data to inform providers about various health and DSRIP performance outcomes in RHP3. It includes analyses by the RHP3 Data Advisory Group, as well as documents and data received from the state.

 The Data Advisory Group

​The Data Advisory Group (DAG) is available to support the DY6 Learning Collaborative work groups with data for their learning initiatives, at the work group request and if data and expertise is available. The DAG assists the work groups in following ways:
  • Analysis of Category 3 outcomes
  • Provision of data analysis support
  • Presentation of results and updates to the work groups
  • Other supportive functions as the need arises

Potentially preventable events

​Potentially preventable events include: Potentially preventable admissions (PPA), potentially preventable complications (PPC) and potentially preventable readmissions (PPR). Reports for the PPEs are provided from the External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

External Quality Review Organization (EQRO)

The potentially preventable event data is for Medicaid and CHIP by Calendar Year (CY) by RHP.  Documents below provide information on:  the number of admissions at risk for the event, the actual number of events, rate (weighted), expected numbers and rates, actual/expected expenditures, and information on specific conditions.

Data Source: The institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida the External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) for Medicaid Managed Care and CHIP.

Potentially preventable admissions (PPA)

Potentially preventable complications (PPC)

Potentially preventable readmissions (PPR)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Prevention Quality Indicators (PQI)

Potentially preventable Hospitalizations

Definition from the AHRQ website: “The Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) are a set of measures that can be used with hospital inpatient discharge data to identify quality of care for ‘ambulatory care sensitive conditions.’ These are conditions for which good outpatient care can potentially prevent the need for hospitalization or for which early intervention can prevent complications or more severe disease. The PQIs are population based and adjusted for covariates.”

“Even though these indicators are based on hospital inpatient data, they provide insight into the community health care system or services outside the hospital setting. For example, patients with diabetes may be hospitalized for diabetic complications if their conditions are not adequately monitored or if they do not receive the patient education needed for appropriate self-management.”

The document summarizes potentially preventable hospitalizations for each county in RHP3. The data is combined years 2008-2013. Information for each county includes: diagnosis, age, race/ethnicity, source of first payment, hospital charges, hospitalizations by zip code, hospitalization by provider name, discharged to, and rates per 100,000 population.

Summary RHP 3 PPH 2008-2013

Data Source: Department of State Health Services Center for Health Statistics
Texas Department of State health services website for PPH data by state and county


Analysis of the 2012 Texas Health Care Information Collection (THCIC) data

TCHCIC data contains all hospital admissions in Texas. This analysis is specific to RHP3 and gives a description of overall admission and more in-depth analysis of behavioral health admissions and readmissions. 
THCIC Rehospitalization Presentation

Maternal Infant Health indicators

Data below is for each county in RHP3.


Health Insurance coverage

Health insurance coverage data is from the American Community Survey's 3 year data for 2011-2013. Data is provided for each county and aggregated for RHP3. Includes information on age and insurance type. 

Behavioral Health

The RHP3 Behavioral Health Cohort, consisting of 1115 Waiver behavioral health providers and stakeholders across RHP3, developed a region-wide survey to identify gaps in behavioral health services in southeast Texas. Behavioral Health and Medicaid Managed Care experts in the Cohort developed the survey questions based on research of national standards, definitions, knowledge of RHP 3 1115 Waiver projects, and a culmination of their expertise in their respective fields. The survey was administered between July 20, 2016 and October 10, 2016.  Survey results are linked below. 

RHP 3 Behavioral Health Gap Analysis Survey Results
Behavioral Health Gap Analysis Survey Report

Data related to Projects and Payment

The "All Projects Summary" details RHP3 Category 1, 2, and 3 data, MLIU data, QPI data, payment information, and a summary of all projects in the Region. The document categorizes projects into larger groups (i.e. behavioral health, chronic care) and analyzes the groups' DSRIP achievement.  This document provides data for DY3 and DY4.